It is finally starting to feel like spring in the mountains! Daffodils are blooming, and we have a few lambs on the ground. There are always those amazing ewes who are the first to be bred, never have lambing problems and always have consistently good-looking set of twins, such as one of my white Romeldales #1070 (pictured here talkin' to her babies). Gotta' love her! In the past she has usually had two white lambs, but this year she threw a white and a dark! Yes, she loves them just the same :)
Lambing season always reminds me why I keep some ewes around, and question others! It doesn't matter how nice a fleece a ewe has if she is a basket case mother. This makes taking lambing notes very worth while, and is imperative if you are keeping breeding records for registering livestock. To accomplish this, I love my rite in the rain pocket book, shown below. If your record with a pencil it is waterproof (or lamb-goo-proof)! They have a line of notebooks specifically for livestock. Sadly enough, they are geared more for the Beef/Dairy industry, but they suite my purposes just fine! At home I back it up to my excel records just in case I put my put my pocket book somewhere extra safe (which is code for I can't find it). You can check the notebooks out via the link below.
Lambing season always reminds me why I keep some ewes around, and question others! It doesn't matter how nice a fleece a ewe has if she is a basket case mother. This makes taking lambing notes very worth while, and is imperative if you are keeping breeding records for registering livestock. To accomplish this, I love my rite in the rain pocket book, shown below. If your record with a pencil it is waterproof (or lamb-goo-proof)! They have a line of notebooks specifically for livestock. Sadly enough, they are geared more for the Beef/Dairy industry, but they suite my purposes just fine! At home I back it up to my excel records just in case I put my put my pocket book somewhere extra safe (which is code for I can't find it). You can check the notebooks out via the link below.
Another cute little lambie!